If any of these topics are omitted or treated incompletely, the result will automatically be "unusable"!


Knowledge means recognizing, understanding, evaluating, nurturing, and sustainably transforming challenges (problems, disruption, etc.)!

Real change means:

Having and nurturing a vision, strategies with clear, measurable, and achievable goals. Identifying, nurturing, and assessing environmental and contextual threats and risks.
Communication & Information
Regularly communicate this vision, strategies, and goals in a simple, comprehensive, and audience-appropriate manner.

Capability & Understanding
Developing capabilities so that all those affected can understand why the chosen path is the right one.
Solutions & Approach
Providing coordinated solutions and approaches, ensuring that what belongs together stays together. Continuously nurturing and assessing additional threats and risks (operation and transformation, management) and seizing opportunities.
Incentive & Added Value
Creating incentives and added value, so that participants work together and pull in the same direction to achieve added value.

Planning & Control
Creating an overview through planning, structure, and visualization, making maintenance and control easier. Manage all opportunities and risks, regularly or as needed, assess them, and control them through checks and measures.


The principles of real change are almost identical for all target groups, only with different framework conditions and dependencies.

Why we should understand each other if we want to bring change?

If something is not [simple, correct, appropriate for the target audience, comprehensive] documented ...

  • we can't understand it... if we can't understand something...
  • we can't measure it... if we can't measure something…
  • if we can't rate it...we can't rate it…
  • if we can't control something... we can't control it.....
  • If we can't change it!

A real change [RV] is equal to a multiplication of vision / strategy [VS], communication & information [AI], ability & understanding [FV], solutions & procedure [LV], incentive & added value [AM], planning & control [PS].

RV = VS * KI * FV * LV * AM * PS  If any of these parameters is incomplete, poorly implemented, or missung, the result will be poor or unusable, and implementation may face resistance.

This principle of real change applies to:

people of all ages and genders...
Couples, single parents, small and large families...
Self-employed, sole proprietorships and small Limited Liability Companies....
companies from all industries...